Personality List

    Ai Ohto Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Ai Ohto? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Ai Ohto from Wonder Egg Priority and what is the personality traits.

    Ai Ohto

    ISFP (9w8)

    Ai Ohto personality type is ISFP, “the artist,” she’s also a type of INFP who is very artistic, which I think the author had in the back of her mind. She’s also very introverted, but has a great deal of social abilities. She’s a very quiet bookworm and doesn’t talk much, but can be very friendly and caring when she does.

    This girl is the type that reads the books in the library and doesn’t talk to people much. But she can be very friendly and talking when she does. She’s also very quiet and introverted, but when she does talk, it’s because she wants to share something with you.

    I feel that this character is very realistic. I hear a lot of women in my life that are like this, and I also know a few girls like this. I’m sure there are many others like this out there.

    I don’t know how the author was able to make this character so well developed, but she did it flawlessly.

    The characters in this book were all very well developed and I love them all. The characters in this book were:

    Ai Ohto is a generally introverted girl who spends most of her time alone. She is a self-described shut in who does not go to school due to severe bullying for her heterochromia and likely other things. Being a victim of bullying, Ai is extremely self-deprecating. She dislikes being around people who have hurt her friends and is extremely brave and protective when it comes to people that she cares about.

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