What is the personality type of Lucy/Laeti (Leticia)? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Lucy/Laeti (Leticia) from My C&y Love and what is the personality traits.
Lucy/Laeti (Leticia) personality type is ESFP, and the Seating Arrangement is ENFP.
ENFPs are the extroverts of the extrovert world. They are enthusiastic, optimistic, and highly social. They are also great at making a connection with people and being themselves. ENTPs often have great ideas, but they can be either too scattered to concentrate on a single task or too detached to actually execute their ideas. ENFPs often have a hard time focusing on one thing to do and are not very good at organizing themselves. ENFPs often find it hard to stay on task and get bored easily. They are spontaneous, but they can become easily distracted. ENFPs can be great at organizing and researching, but they often don’t stick with things long enough to take action. ENFPs are excellent in new environments and are often great at making new friends, but they tend to drift away from their friends as time goes on.
ENFPs enjoy social activities and enjoy meeting new people, but they get embarrassed easily by their own behavior or when they aren’t being perfect at something.