Personality List

    NT-tan Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of NT-tan? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for NT-tan from Os Tan and what is the personality traits.


    INFJ (2w1)

    NT-tan personality type is INFJ, and it's the most rare and special of all the types in the Myers-Briggs system. While most introverts would be happy to have one of these personalities, INFJs would actually be more upset than happy. INFJs are incredibly sensitive and have a hard time living in a world where they're constantly bombarded with observations of their behavior, personality, and emotions. They hear more than they say, and they say more than they hear.

    In fact, INFJs have a very difficult time "fitting in" to the world. This is because they are constantly trying to understand their own thoughts, feelings, and behaviors, and it's just too difficult for them to make others feel comfortable by simply "being themselves." This is why INFJs feel the need to wear many masks, to tell the world only what it wants to hear about them. A big part of this is because INFJs hate conflict, and don't want to upset others by simply stating their own views.

    INFJs are also very independent. They want to find their own way in life, and don't want to be told how to do something.

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