Personality List

    Flo Kimble Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Flo Kimble? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Flo Kimble from South Park 1997 and what is the personality traits.

    Flo Kimble

    INFJ (3w2)

    Flo Kimble personality type is INFJ, who is the rarest of all the personality types. The INFJ personality type is often misunderstood and misdiagnosed with the introverted feeling personality type. In reality, the INFJ is an introverted thinking personality type, which makes up only 1% of the population.

    The INFJ is an Introverted Intuitive personality type, who is also an introverted feeling personality type. This rare personality type is rarer than the personality types of extroverts. INFJs are also rarer than introverts and extroverts.

    The INFJ personality type is rarer than the other personality types because it has a combination of both extroverted and introverted characteristics.

    The INFJ personality type is rare because it has a highly developed intuition, which gives them the ability to grasp abstract concepts and complex ideas, as well as see things from another perspective. This ability makes them great in creative and intellectual areas of work.

    The INFJ personality type is rare because they are highly sensitive to their environment and to people around them, which means they can be easily hurt by insensitive, uncaring, or inconsiderate people.

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