What is the personality type of Diana? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Diana from Novela Jesus and what is the personality traits.
Diana personality type is ISFP, which means she is an introverted, sensitive, and perceptive personality type.
The 5-Factor Model of Personality
"A person's behavior is a result of the interaction of the person's temperament and their experiences. The results of this interaction are called personality." – The Five-Factor Model of Personality
The Five-Factor Model of Personality (FFM) is a theory of personality developed by the late Hans Eysenck. These five factors are called traits:
Extraversion: the extent to which a person 'socially interacts with others' Intuition: the capacity to intuit others' mental states, or something that someone is thinking about, feeling, about to do, has just done, or might do Impulsivity: the tendency to act on immediate desires without much forethought Sensing: the capacity to sense physical objects and physical events Thinking: the extent to which a person interprets and interacts with their environment
Each of these traits is measured on a 1-5 scale, with 1 representing very little of the trait and 5 representing a lot. The sum of all five traits is called the 'Big Five' and measures our overall personality.