Personality List

    Discord Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Discord? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Discord from My Little Pony A New Generation 2021 and what is the personality traits.


    ENTP (7w8)

    Discord personality type is ENTP, which is a type that is often depicted as being the “nerd” of the personality types, and has a similar iconography to the ENFJ.


    The Enneagram is a 9-point personality model of human development, and was created in the 19th century by Swiss psychiatrist Oscar Ichazo. It is based on the idea that the 9 points of the personality include the three “types” of human personality (Enthusiast, Mediator, and Individualist) and are a tool for self-reflection.

    The major theories of personality types that form the basis of this model are those of Myers-Briggs, Jung, and Klein.

    While the Enneagram is often thought of as a self-help tool for discerning one’s personality type, it is best understood as a tool for understanding how people experience the world.

    While many people view the Enneagram as being about how we interact with the outside world, that is only part of its function.

    The Enneagram can also be used to describe our inner life and how we “type” ourselves.

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