Personality List

    Universidad Marítima Internacional de Panamá Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Universidad Marítima Internacional de Panamá? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Universidad Marítima Internacional de Panamá from Universities and what is the personality traits.

    Universidad Marítima Internacional de Panamá

    ISTJ (1w9)

    Universidad Marítima Internacional de Panamá personality type is ISTJ, as the most obvious type of school he/she attends is a university. (For more information, see ISTJ personality type.)

    Overall, the ISTJ personality type is one of the most common personality types among people who study at the Universidad Marítima Internacional de Panamá. (However, if you find that you fall into this description, then you should be proud of your personality type, but you’re not likely to be a student at Universidad Marítima Internacional de Panamá.

    ISTJs in the Universidad Marítima Internacional de Panamá community

    ISTJs make up a statistically significant portion (about 20%) of the students at Universidad Marítima Internacional de Panamá.

    What kind of departments are most represented by ISTJs?

    The ISTJ personality type is most commonly found in the following departments at Universidad Marítima Internacional de Panamá:

    Computer Science

    Computer Science Engineering

    Electrical Engineering

    Electrical Engineering/Computer Science

    Information Technology

    Business Administration and Management Studies

    Management Information Systems (MIS)

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