Personality List

    Wish (EPEX) Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Wish (EPEX)? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Wish (EPEX) from K Pop and what is the personality traits.

    Wish (EPEX)

    ENTP (6w5)

    Wish (EPEX) personality type is ENTP, which means that they are very logical and analytical, and can be very motivated to get things done. They have a very good imagination, and can be quite creative. They have a lot of energy, and that can be a blessing or a curse. They like to figure things out and figure out things. They like to make their own plans and they don’t like others telling them what to do. They like to “do it themselves” and they can be quite stubborn.

    Since ENTP’s enjoy the mental side of things, they like to learn new things and they like to talk about them. They like to read and they like to write, and they enjoy talking about what they learn. ENTP’s like to keep up with current affairs and news, and they like to keep up with the latest trends. They like to keep up with the latest development in technology and in science, and they like to know what is going on in the world.

    Because ENTP’s enjoy the mental side of things, they also like to do their own research and explore different ways of doing things.

    Wish (Kwak Da Wit) is the oldest member of C9 Entertainment's group EPEX.

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