Personality List

    Anorexia nervosa Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Anorexia nervosa? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Anorexia nervosa from Personality Disorders and what is the personality traits.

    Anorexia nervosa

    ESFJ (XwX)

    Anorexia nervosa personality type is ESFJ, an extroverted, sensitive, feeling, judgmental and conscientious type.

    The ISTJ personality type is ESFJ, an extroverted, sensing, thinking, judging and conscientious type.

    Anorexia nervosa personality type is ISTJ, an introverted, sensing, thinking, judging and conscientious type.

    You can identify the Anorexia Nervosa Personality Type if you've got:

    A need to avoid being seen in public

    Obsessive self-control and perfectionism

    Feelings of emptiness and low self-esteem

    A sense of fear of being overweight or obese

    Constantly feeling "not good enough" or not living up to your own standards of what you think you should be and what you should be doing

    Have a tendency to be critical of yourself and others

    Perfectionism and a high need for control

    Dramatic use of food as a coping mechanism; especially binge eating to relieve stress or to soothe any sense of anxiety or depression

    Affective lability (an inability to maintain stable moods) in which your mood changes rapidly and unpredictably from one minute to the next

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