Personality List

    Chip Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Chip? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Chip from Mickey Mouse Clubhouse and what is the personality traits.


    ENTP (7w8)

    Chip personality type is ENTP, as it is a functional type.

    Flying around in a spaceship, trying to find a way to save the world. It's all about the grandiose ideals, being the savior of the entire universe, and doing everything just right.

    This is what ENTPs want to be, but then they realize that they don't actually have the skills to pull off this role, and they become disappointed and disillusioned.

    The problem is that they think that it is their responsibility to be the person who saves everyone, but that is not really the case. In fact it is usually not really the case.

    The best ENTPs know that it would be much better if everyone could save themselves. They know that the helpers are not actually needed in the grand scheme of things.

    They are exactly like Jesus in that way. The Savior has no need for a Savior. He can save himself just fine without anyone else's help. As ENTPs understand this, they become much more comfortable with their role as helpers.

    The next time you are feeling down about your ability to be a savior, take a moment to remember how smart and capable you are.

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