Personality List

    XENOPHOBE Advisor Voice Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of XENOPHOBE Advisor Voice? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for XENOPHOBE Advisor Voice from Stellaris and what is the personality traits.

    XENOPHOBE Advisor Voice

    INTJ (6w5)

    XENOPHOBE Advisor Voice personality type is INTJ, the "I" stands for "Introvert". They are the most rare of all the types. Only 1% of the world's population is INTJ, and yet they make up 15% of the world's top chess players. In this article we will discover what makes INTJs tick.

    INTJs are definitely unique. Here are a few of the most obvious signs you have an INTJ personality:

    INTJs have a strong sense of self-identity. They don't usually have a problem with being themselves, but they do have a tendency to be a bit eccentric. INTJs are not shy people, but they don't show their true colors easily either. They prefer to play it cool.

    INTJs have a strong sense of identity, but they don't have a problem being themselves. They prefer to play it cool.

    INTJs are often found in the frontlines of the battle. INTJs often work with their hands, or they can easily become craftsmen or technicians.

    INTJs want to know what's going on around them. They like to explore and understand the world around them.

    INTJs like to explore and understand what is going on around them.

    "These alien savages must be taught to kneel when in the presence of their betters. Shall I initiate purging protocols?"

    "Under no circumstances must the xeno be trusted. It will lie, it will cheat, and it will do anything in its power to undermine the efforts of those, who in truth, are its superiors."

    "You xeno scum."

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