Personality List

    Machine Connor Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Machine Connor? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Machine Connor from Detroit Become Human and what is the personality traits.

    Machine Connor

    ISTJ (1w9)

    Machine Connor personality type is ISTJ, which means he has a strong preference for order and structure. He takes his responsibilities very seriously. He also has relatively high standards, which may test the patience of his superiors. He is so concerned with doing things right that he can overlook the importance of getting work done quickly or on time. ISTJs are typically responsible, reliable, and practical. They do not have a lot of room for fun or entertainment, unless it directly relates to their work.

    Rocky’s role as Agent Nelson made him very focused on the job at hand. He put work first, but he also enjoyed spending time with his family and friends. Rocky had a great sense of humor and loved to joke around with his coworkers. However, he also took his responsibilities seriously and had a tendency to be strict on his subordinates.

    8 INFP – Agent Scully

    Agent Scully is an INFP, which means that she is very sensitive and artistic. She is also very empathetic, which makes her good at interacting with others. She is also extremely focused on the details of her work, which makes her excellent at her job.

    Connor is a RK800 android and one of the three protagonists in Detroit: Become Human. Built as an advanced prototype, he is designed to assist human law enforcement; specifically in investigating cases involving deviant androids. His skills include reconstructing crime scenes, identifying and analyzing every type of model and person there is, and coin flipping from hand to hand with ease.

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