What is the personality type of José? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for José from Genesis Record and what is the personality traits.
José personality type is ENFJ, which makes them attractive leaders. They have a strong sense of duty, but this can make them hard to work with. They are also highly charismatic and good at reading people and situations. They are often perceived as idealists, but this is because they always follow their hearts and do not think about the consequences of their actions. If you want to know what makes them tick, ask them about their dream job. If you see that they love it, you could have a long-term working relationship with them.
If you have a relationship with an ENTJ type, it is going to be a powerful one. They are leaders and they are used to leading others. Their ability to understand people and situations is outstanding, so they usually make excellent bosses. They are always focused on their goals and progress, but they can be easy to lose in a relationship. They often believe that they know best and they are often critical of others. This can make them difficult to live with, but if you follow their advice, they will be very successful.
ENTJ Personality Type
ENTJs are the most dominant type of the 16 personality types. They are ambitious, determined and determined to get the results they want.