Personality List

    Chaotic Neutral Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Chaotic Neutral? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Chaotic Neutral from 5x5 Alignment Chart and what is the personality traits.

    Chaotic Neutral

    ENTP (7w8)

    Chaotic Neutral personality type is ENTP, and the best known ENTP's character is Sheldon Cooper from "The Big Bang Theory".

    Chaotic Neutral is a personality type that is very rare and hard to find in the real world, so do not be surprised if you do not know anyone who fits it. The best examples of Chaotic Neutrals that I found are:

    Sheldon Cooper from "The Big Bang Theory".

    James Kirk from "Star Trek".

    I would say that Sheldon Cooper is the best known, but Kirk is not far behind.

    The Chaotic Neutral personality type is also known as the "Idealist" and "Rebel", and it is an introvert personality type. I do not think that Sheldon Cooper is an actual example of an ENTP, as he is much more extraverted than introverted, but he does not seem like a pure introvert, as he is very talkative and social.

    So let's see what Sheldon Cooper's character's about:

    He is a Physics genius, who has a very big knowledge of science and has done many experiments in his room.

    He loves to play video games, which are probably the only ways that he can express himself.

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