What is the personality type of Бабушка Нюра? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Бабушка Нюра from The Ghost Of My Dorm Duh Moej Obshagi and what is the personality traits.
Бабушка Нюра personality type is INFP, which is one of sixteen personality types, as described by the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI), a personality inventory used to derive personality types from the results of psychological, behavioral, and psychometric tests.
It’s not a personality disorder, but it can go wrong in a lot of ways.
The below is a list of all the personality disorders along with the causes, symptoms and most importantly the treatment for each disorder.
An INFJ is a person that has introverted Intuition (I) and Extroverted Feeling (F) as two of his/her preferences.