What is the personality type of AM's Ego? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for AM's Ego from I Have No Mouth & I Must Scream Video Game and what is the personality traits.
AM's Ego personality type is ISTJ, which is the most common personality type of all.
A Gallup poll found that ISTJ's are some of the most "traditional" and "stern" types. They are generally loyal, dependable, and hard-working.
The ISTJ stands for Introverted, Sensing, Thinking, Judging.
What does the ISTJ personality type look like?
These types are serious, rational, and practical. They are very grounded and secure in their beliefs and values.
This is a good thing for the ISTJ, because a lot of people go through life with their heads in the clouds. For example, one study found that college students who were higher in Extraversion had lower grades than those who were higher in Neuroticism.
Extraversion and Neuroticism tend to go hand in hand, so it's not too surprising that these students were less successful when they were more extroverted.
Alternatively, these students who were higher in Neuroticism had better grades than those who were lower in Neuroticism. So the study shows that being higher in Neuroticism does not always make you a better student.