What is the personality type of Edie? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Edie from Pink Flamingos 1972 and what is the personality traits.
Edie personality type is ESFJ, the "The Nurturing Defender."
Edie's birthday is on February 2.
Edie's zodiac sign is Aquarius.
Edie's hair is brown and her eyes are green.
Edie's favorite color is brown.
Edie's real name is Edythe.
Edie's blood type is A+.
Edie's favorite candy is chocolate.
Edie's alternative name is Twiggy.
Edie's favorite hobby is modeling.
Edie's favorite flowers are lilies.
Edie's favorite food is pizza.
Edie's favorite season is spring.
Edie's favorite movie is "The Little Prince".
Edie's favorite actor is David Beckham.
Edie's favorite music is EDM.
Edie's favorite book is "The Little Prince".