Personality List

    Lúcio Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Lúcio? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Lúcio from A Vida Da Gente The Life We Lead and what is the personality traits.


    ESFJ (2w1)

    Lúcio personality type is ESFJ, more commonly known as the ‘Mummy’.

    The ESFJ personality type is represented by Lúcio, a cheerful and friendly Brazilian sportsman and one of the central characters in the game. ESFJ personalities tend to be warm and affectionate and while they can be quite timid and timid in their interactions with others, they are known for their generosity and willingness to help others.

    This is a more sociable personality type and is known for their ability to make friends easily. ESFJ personalities also have a reputation for being kind, considerate, generous and helpful, making them great allies in co-operative multiplayer games.

    ESFJ personalities are known for being very supportive of others, making them ideal teammates in co-operative multiplayer games. ESFJs are also known for their ability to see the good in people. If there is a problem, this is often where they step in to help others. ESFJs are known for their excellent listening skills, which makes them skilled mediators.

    ESFJs are loyal team players who will be there when needed.

    Médico neurocirurgião que cuidou de Ana quando ela sofreu um grave acidente de carro e entrou em coma. Carente de afeto, pois perdeu a esposa para um câncer, envolveu-se emocionalmente com sua paciente durante o tratamento. Durante a recuperação de Ana, os dois chegaram a namorar e ficar noivos, mas só tempos depois que a jovem abriu seu coração de vez para Lúcio entrar. Através de sua amada, apegou-se muito a Julia, a filha de Ana que o considerava como seu segundo pai. Ele era estéril e desejava ter filhos, tinha até uma ONG onde atendia crianças numa comunidade carente.

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