Personality List

    Holographic simulation of Dr. Leah Brahms Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Holographic simulation of Dr. Leah Brahms? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Holographic simulation of Dr. Leah Brahms from Star Trek The Next Generation 1987 and what is the personality traits.

    Holographic simulation of Dr. Leah Brahms

    ISTJ (XwX)

    Holographic simulation of Dr. Leah Brahms personality type is ISTJ, while the Zodiac I-type is the ISTP. ISTJs are usually reserved, quiet, and orderly, ISTJs are most comfortable in an environment that allows them to work on projects or ideas in a relatively undisturbed fashion. ISTJs are recognized for their accuracy and attention to detail as well as a strong work ethic and they are capable of working under pressure and are not easily bored. Their willingness to take on tasks and duties often results in them being responsible for areas that other people may find boring or too much work. A key strength of the ISTJ is their loyalty to their friends and colleagues, an ISTJ will usually take on a project with a group of people they trust and is usually willing to get their hands dirty with the work in order to get it done. ISTJs are usually very understanding and forgiving of other people’s faults and weaknesses, one of the problems for the ISTJ is their tendency to have tunnel vision. If a task seems tedious, the ISTJ can become so focused that they ignore any potential problems that could arise from the task, when this happens, the ISTJ can become overly pessimistic about the task at hand.

    In the episode "Booby Trap", the Enterprise-D was caught in an ancient trap which drained the energy from its engines and bombarded the crew with radiation. To learn more about the engine design and help him find a solution to the problem, Geordi La Forge created a holographic version of Dr. Brahms based on her Starfleet personality profile analysis and her public persona. The holographic Dr. Brahms was opinionated on engineering matters but still friendly, and La Forge developed an attraction to her image. Together, they were able to save the Enterprise, and La Forge shared a kiss with the hologram before ending the program.

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