Personality List

    1946 D. A. Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of 1946 D. A.? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for 1946 D. A. from The Shawshank Redemption 1994 and what is the personality traits.

    1946 D. A.

    ISTJ (1w9)

    1946 D. A. personality type is ISTJ, the "dominant" personality type. ISTJs are straightforward, practical people. They are loyal, dependable and reliable. They like to be organized, which means they prefer things to be planned ahead of time and to have a sense of order. The ISTJ is a responsible, orderly and responsible person who likes to have things in their place.


    The ESFJ is one of the most popular personality types, and is found in all types of relationships. They are very outgoing and friendly people, who like to help others. ESFJs are considered warm, caring and enthusiastic people with great people skills. They are very concerned with the feelings of others, and they value harmony and peace above all.


    ISTPs are logical, practical and straightforward people who like to think things through before acting. They are very good at organizing their thoughts, and enjoy learning new things. ISTPs are often good at fixing things and repairing machinery, which can make them great mechanics. ISTPs are also known for their sense of humor and dry wit.


    ESTPs are sometimes called the "James Dean" type. They are often bold, charismatic and exciting.

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