Personality List

    1947 Parole Hearings Man Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of 1947 Parole Hearings Man? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for 1947 Parole Hearings Man from The Shawshank Redemption 1994 and what is the personality traits.

    1947 Parole Hearings Man

    ISTJ (6w5)

    1947 Parole Hearings Man personality type is ISTJ, and he is a “father”. He’s the “father” of the family, and has a sense of duty and responsibility. He’s also a very optimistic and positive person. The ISTJ is known for being the “Father Knows Best” type. He is a moral, ethical person who is very fair and tolerant. The ISTJ is a very strong idealist. He is a trustworthy, dependable partner who is a good parent, a good friend, and a good family member. The ISTJ values loyalty, responsibility, and duty. He wants to make the right choices for his family. If he makes the wrong choice, he will try to make up for it in the future. The ISTJ has a strong sense of intuition and knows what his heart tells him is the right thing to do. In many ways, the ISTJ is a “good guy” who wants to do the “right thing”.

    What the ISTJ doesn’t realize is that he is often over-protective of his loved ones.

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