Personality List

    1954 Landlady Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of 1954 Landlady? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for 1954 Landlady from The Shawshank Redemption 1994 and what is the personality traits.

    1954 Landlady

    ISFJ (2w1)

    1954 Landlady personality type is ISFJ, here, and she doesn’t like conflict.

    Here is a good example. ISFJ is an accommodating personality, and she is also a very quiet, shy woman who would rather avoid conflict than deal with it. But there is a situation in this short story where she has no choice but to deal with conflict – and she does it brilliantly:

    The character is a woman who looks like the Landlady and talks like her, and she also acts like her. She might be the Landlady. She has just come to terms with someone else telling her that he loves her…and she is freaking out. And the Landlady steps up to help her.

    The ISFJ doesn’t want to deal with it, but she does. She sees that if she avoids it, someone else will deal with it on her behalf – and there will be an even bigger mess for her to clean up later. So she starts talking:

    ISFJ: “You can’t just tell me you love me and expect me to feel great. I haven’t been able to sleep nights for thinking about it.

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