Personality List

    Duty Guard Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Duty Guard? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Duty Guard from The Shawshank Redemption 1994 and what is the personality traits.

    Duty Guard

    ISFJ (6w7)

    Duty Guard personality type is ISFJ, and the most common type in the world.

    And that makes sense, because they are the ones who will try to help everyone. They will be the ones who will help you out when you’re in the dumps, and the ones who will try to make you laugh with jokes. ISFJs are really, really good at making people feel better, and if you’re looking for a person who would be a great support system for you through a really tough time, an ISFJ is a great choice.

    ISFJs are highly intuitive and highly empathetic, and they will make a great choice for a friend. They don’t have a lot of extra qualities that they can add to a friendship, but they are just great at making people feel better when they’re in a bad mood. ISFJs are also really good at being supportive when their friends need them the most, and the ISFJ is a good bet for someone who is looking for a supportive friend.

    What about in a romantic relationship?

    If you’re in a romantic relationship with an ISFJ, you’ll have a lot of fun together.

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