Personality List

    Albert Camus Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Albert Camus? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Albert Camus from Western Philosophy and what is the personality traits.

    Albert Camus

    INFP (4w5)

    Albert Camus personality type is INFP, which is the most introverted of the 16 personality types.

    The INFP personality type is the least extroverted of the 16 personality types.

    INFPs can be seen as dreamers or daydreamers who are more focused on their own thoughts and ideas.

    INFPs are typically more creative. They are less interested in the tangible world around them.

    INFPs are often seen as very imaginative, insightful, and creative. They are not interested in many of the external details of life.

    INFPs can be very sensitive and caring people. They tend to be very empathetic, which makes them good listeners.

    INFPs are also very perceptive people. They are very aware of what is going on in the outside world, but they are interested in their own internal world.

    INFPs are often seen as being highly spiritual people. They tend not to care about materialistic things.

    INFPs are also seen as being very sensitive people who are easily hurt by others’ words or actions. They are often very emotional people.

    Albert Camus (7 November 1913 – 4 January 1960) was a French philosopher, author, and journalist. His views contributed to the rise of the philosophy known as absurdism. He wrote in his essay The Rebel that his whole life was devoted to opposing the philosophy of nihilism while still delving deeply into individual freedom.

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