Personality List

    ES-01 Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of ES-01? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for ES-01 from Star Wars The Bad Batch 2021 and what is the personality traits.


    ESTJ (6w5)

    ES-01 personality type is ESTJ, or the “Executive.”

    ESTJs are the “deciders” in the ISFJ/ESTJ dichotomy. They’re the ones with the most energy and vision, and they’re also the most effective decision-makers. ESTJs are hard-working, reliable, and ambitious. They have a desire to have a direct effect on the world around them, and they want to be seen as powerful and successful.

    Because of how ambitious they are, ESTJs tend to follow a path that allows them to climb the social ladder. They want to get things done, so they get things done. They have a deep desire to help others, so they develop a strong work ethic.

    ESTJs can get frustrated when they don’t get what they want, so they tend to be impatient, especially toward people who aren’t willing to do things their way. They’re not really concerned with other people’s feelings, but they do care about what others think of them.

    ESTJs also have a tendency to be blunt and straightforward with other people.

    ES-01 was the designation of a human male Elite Squad Trooper, one of the first conscripted soldiers of the Galactic Empire recruited via Vice Admiral Rampart's Project War-Mantle. ES-01, along with his squad-mates, was described by Rampart as one of the best soldiers in the galaxy, and was brought into the Elite Squad under the leadership of Clone Commander CT-9904. ES-01 was killed by CT-9904 after refusing to execute civilians under the protection of rebel leader Saw Gerrera on the planet Onderon.

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