Personality List


    The Executive

    Your ability to learn faster than your competition is your only sustainable competitive advantage.
    Arie De Geus

    An Executive (ESTJ) is someone with the Extraverted, Observant, Thinking, and Judging personality traits.

    ESTJs use their thinking and judging skills to take charge of situations and make decisions. They are natural leaders, who like to organize and plan things. ESTJs are usually very practical people, who focus on what is feasible and realistic. They like to be in control of their environment, and have a strong sense of order and routine.

    ESTJs usually have a strong work ethic, and are very efficient and organized in their approach to tasks. They like to get things done, and are not afraid of hard work. They can be quite critical of others who do not share their same sense of drive or ambition. ESTJs can be very demanding of themselves and others, and can sometimes be seen as harsh or unyielding.

    ESTJ Strengths

    ESTJs are good at taking charge of situations and making decisions. They are organized and efficient in their approach to tasks. They are also usually very practical people, who focus on what is feasible and realistic.

    ESTJ Weaknesses

    ESTJs can be quite critical of others who do not share their same sense of drive or ambition. They can also be demanding of themselves and others, and can sometimes be seen as harsh or unyielding.

    Also, ESTJs may have difficulty adapting to change, and can be inflexible in their thinking. This can lead to problems when the situation calls for a different approach than what is typically used.

    ESTJ Profiles