Personality List

    Denise Whiting (Cafe Hon) Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Denise Whiting (Cafe Hon)? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Denise Whiting (Cafe Hon) from Kitchen Nightmares and what is the personality traits.

    Denise Whiting (Cafe Hon)

    ESTJ (XwX)

    Denise Whiting (Cafe Hon) personality type is ESTJ, with a score of +27. The ESTJ personality type is associated with a number of attributes including:

    • Strong, well defined leadership style

    • Modest and outstanding leadership skills

    • Strong ability to take charge and direct others

    • Well-defined sense of duty and desire to serve others

    • Overall, a good sense of responsibility

    • Overall, a very responsible person

    • Always willing to give 100 percent of themselves to any given project

    • Usually an excellent team player

    • Very loyal to friends and family and always puts them above all else

    • Can be very observant and perceptive to the needs of others

    • Usually very productive and this will be reflected in job performance

    • Usually possess great leadership qualities and is very good at managing people and projects

    • Very good at organization and can be relied upon to get things done on time and within budget

    The ESTJ description is also associated with a number of character traits, including:

    Characteristic Name Description

    Resolute Decisive and decisive. This type of personality profile looks for instant answers, making decisions quickly and decisively. They are highly organized and keep everything in order.

    Cafe Hon | Season 4 Episode 15 | Kitchen Nightmares USA

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