Personality List

    Michael Cristiano (Nino's Italian Restaurant) Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Michael Cristiano (Nino's Italian Restaurant)? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Michael Cristiano (Nino's Italian Restaurant) from Kitchen Nightmares and what is the personality traits.

    Michael Cristiano (Nino's Italian Restaurant)

    ESFJ (1w2)

    Michael Cristiano (Nino's Italian Restaurant) personality type is ESFJ, which makes him a social and people person.

    Stefano (Nino's Italian Restaurant) is an ESFJ and loves people and making them happy.

    Miguel (Nino's Italian Restaurant) is an ESFJ and loves helping people and making them feel better.

    Maria (Nino's Italian Restaurant) is an ESFJ and loves making other people feel better.

    Rafael (Nino's Italian Restaurant) is an ESFJ and loves making friends and helping people out.

    Tony (Nino's Italian Restaurant) is an ESFJ and has a very strong sense of duty.

    Angelica (Nino's Italian Restaurant) is an ESFJ and loves making people happy.

    Leslie (Nino's Italian Restaurant) is an ESFJ and loves helping out others.

    Lourdes (Nino's Italian Restaurant) is an ESFJ and loves people.

    Gabriella (Nino's Italian Restaurant) is an ESFJ and loves making people feel better.

    Victor (Nino's Italian Restaurant) is an ESFJ and loves helping out other people.

    Nino's | Season 6 Episode 9 | Kitchen Nightmares USA

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