Personality List

    Una Lorraine Morris (Kingston Café) Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Una Lorraine Morris (Kingston Café)? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Una Lorraine Morris (Kingston Café) from Kitchen Nightmares and what is the personality traits.

    Una Lorraine Morris (Kingston Café)

    ISTJ (XwX)

    Una Lorraine Morris (Kingston Café) personality type is ISTJ, a common personality type among gamers. An ISTJ personality is defined as "the person who is responsible for the structure, order and maintenance of their environment. They are usually organized, methodical and practical." (National Institute on the gifted and Talented, n.d.) This personality type is the epitome of what many gamers could be labeled as. ISTJs prefer doing things methodically, logically, and in a structured manner. They like to keep their work organized and efficient. ISTJs are known as the "law and order" personality type because they are detail oriented, orderly, and do things by the book. In short, an ISTJ is someone who loves to structure their life and keep things in order.

    This trait can be seen in the gaming community as well. As an ISTJ, I prefer to play games that have a strong story line, focus on gameplay, and are structured in a way that causes me to feel comfortable playing them. I'm not a fan of games where you don't know what's going to happen next, or games that don't follow a strict story line. I like games where you can play for hours at a time without ever feeling bored.

    Kingston Cafe | Season 4 Episode 10 | Kitchen Nightmares USA

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