Personality List

    Judy Geller Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Judy Geller? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Judy Geller from Friends 1994 and what is the personality traits.

    Judy Geller

    ISTJ (1w2)

    Judy Geller personality type is ISTJ, which is a type that seeks to fulfill roles and obligations.

    Judy is a very traditional person. She will always agree with the status quo, whatever it may be. Judy’s main goal in life is to be a good wife and mother. She will do anything to make her family comfortable and happy. Judy also has a strong sense of duty and will do whatever she can for her family.

    Judy will always make the right choice. This is because she believes that she has to make the right choice based on her values, morals, traditions, and beliefs. Judy is also known to make the right choices because she believes that it is her duty to make the right decision.

    Judy’s biggest fault is her perfectionism. She believes that she must be perfect at everything she does. Judy would rather give up her family than make any mistakes. This perfectionism leads to Judy overworking herself and not taking time to rest. She believes that she must do her best at everything she does, even if it means neglecting some tasks.

    Judy’s biggest strengths are her assertiveness and loyalty. She will always put her family first and will do anything for her family.

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