Personality List

    Isaiah Jesus Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Isaiah Jesus? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Isaiah Jesus from Peaky Blinders 2013 and what is the personality traits.

    Isaiah Jesus

    ESTP (7w8)

    Isaiah Jesus personality type is ESTP, and the behavior and character of Jesus was described by psychologist Carl Jung as:

    “The eldest of the three sons of Joseph and Mary. He was a carpenter and a builder, and was described as a “man of peace.” He was the most famous of the apostles and the one most likely to be believed. He was full of fire and energy and had a warm heart.”

    Even though Jesus was not an INFJ or INTP, he is nonetheless an example of what we call an Idealist. He came to show us the truth and principles of God and to help us learn and develop these principles and values. Because he was so idealistic, he did not share some of the more negative qualities of an ESTP, such as being selfish or impatient.


    The Idealist personality type is one that seeks to express itself through the use of imagination, creativity, and love. They are typically considered to be the most spiritually intuitive, and they tend to be idealistic, altruistic, and philosophical in nature.

    Most INFJs are Idealists, but not all INFJs are Idealists.

    Isiah Jesus is the son of the Caribbean street preacher Jeremiah Jesus and a Peaky Blinder. He is a close friend and companion of Finn Shelby and Michael Gray.

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