Personality List

    May Carleton Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of May Carleton? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for May Carleton from Peaky Blinders 2013 and what is the personality traits.

    May Carleton

    ISFP (6w5)

    May Carleton personality type is ISFP, and the other two are ISTJ, and ESTJ. The ISFP is the most like me, and the ISTJ is the least like me.

    The ISTJ is a very conservative personality type. They believe in authority, structure and rules. They are more practical than idealistic. They are more concerned about what has been done and how to do it right. They are not likely to be creative, or artistic types. They don’t believe in expressing themselves on a deep level. They don’t have a lot of imagination or creativity, they just do what they are told and have little input into the decision making process. This is why they need the ISFP to make their decisions, since they would not be able to make them without an extra pair of eyes that can see what they cannot see.

    The ESTJ is very much like me, in that they are both very organized and structured. They like to follow the rules and laws, and believe in things being done according to their proper order. They are very practical and do not want anything to be done outside of their proper order. They want things done according to their rules.

    May Fitz-Carleton is a horse trainer and rich widow, who is enlisted by Thomas Shelby to train his horse for Epsom. She is the proprietor of Carleton stud.

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