Personality List

    Kyosuke Higuchi Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Kyosuke Higuchi? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Kyosuke Higuchi from Death Note and what is the personality traits.

    Kyosuke Higuchi

    ESTP (3w4)

    Kyosuke Higuchi personality type is ESTP, here's his profile:

    Personality Type: ESTP

    Profile Description:

    A self-confident, masterful, and somewhat cocky young man with a somewhat rash and impulsive nature.

    His life goal is to become the greatest swordsman in the world.

    His inferior function is Se, which is very rarely seen by him.

    When he puts his mind to something, he will not give up until he reaches his goal.

    He is extremely close to his friends, and will go to great lengths to help them. He also dislikes feeling left behind.

    He has a very strong sense of duty, and will complete any task assigned to him. He can be very strict when he has to be.

    He is extremely stubborn, and does not like to admit when he is wrong or to change his mind.

    When he faces a problem he cannot solve, he will try many different approaches before deciding on one.

    He is very quick to anger, and can be easily provoked. He can also be extremely emotional, especially when it comes to the ones he cares about.

    One of the eight members of the Yotsuba Group.

    The head of Technology Development at the Yotsuba Corporation and one of the eight members of the Yotsuba Group.

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