Personality List

    Anders Tegnell Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Anders Tegnell? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Anders Tegnell from Government Europe and what is the personality traits.

    Anders Tegnell

    INTJ (6w5)

    Anders Tegnell personality type is INTJ, the most common type to be a psychopath. He is a very intelligent person, very cynical, and he is a genius when it comes to computers. He is always showing the other characters how to use the programs they have. He has a very dark sense of humor and he is a perfectionist. During the film he becomes a doctor in a mental institution. He meets a woman named Nora and they fall in love. The doctor knows that he is a psychopath because he gets pleasure from killing people. The doctor does not go into therapy but after Nora dies, the doctor starts thinking that he is a psychopath. He tries to kill himself but instead he just goes to sleep. In the final scene of the film, the doctor shows up at Nora's funeral and he walks up to Nora's grave and says "goodbye" and then he shoots himself in the head.

    The main character in The Great Switcheroo is also an INTJ. His name is Lars, and he is a very smart person who likes to play tricks on people. He is a very sarcastic person. He is an alien from a planet called Switcheroo, who attacks Earth with his army of clones.

    State epidemiologist, Public Health Agency of Sweden, runs the Swedish policy on Covid-19

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