Personality List

    Shinji Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Shinji? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Shinji from Bungou Stray Dogs and what is the personality traits.


    INFP (9w1)

    Shinji personality type is INFP, the philosopher.

    Shinji prefers to spend his free time in solitude, either in debate or in deep thinking.

    He has a very high threshold for pain, he simply does not feel it.

    Shinji is very good at reading the minds of others, he is able to predict what they want to do before they do it, he is able to predict their next move, but he himself isn't so good at predicting the future.

    Shinji is very introverted and can be distrustful of people around him. He doesn't like people who are loud and not very good at reading the minds of others, but he can be just as bad at reading minds if the person is very introverted.

    Shinji is very playful and likes to see other people smile, he likes to see his friends smile, but he can be very serious if it comes to something important.

    Shinji tends to be somewhat lazy, he likes to nap during class and likes to go out with friends to relax. He's not lazy in terms of actually doing things, he's lazy because he doesn't really like doing things.

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