Personality List

    Jan Žaloudík Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Jan Žaloudík? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Jan Žaloudík from Government Europe and what is the personality traits.

    Jan Žaloudík

    ENTP (5w6)

    Jan Žaloudík personality type is ENTP, which means that they are not very emotional but are very intelligent. They tend to take things into their own hands and want to find solutions, which is why this personality type is sometimes called the “Mastermind”.

    Besides the ENTP, the other four personality types are also very intelligent, but are slightly more emotional than the ENTP. The ESTP personality type is very emotional and makes use of their passion in life. The ESFP personality type is highly emotional and often makes use of their emotions to survive in life. The ESTP and ESFP personality types are the most common among the four personality types, and also the two most frequently indicated among people who complete the ENTP personality type test.

    Are you an ENTP? Take the free test and find out!

    Does your personality type match?

    Take the free test and find out!

    An example of an ENTP personality type

    Here at The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) we’ve had a lot of ENTPs write in, and we’ve found that they don’t actually share their personalities with everyone.

    Jan Žaloudík (* August 7, 1954 Ježkovice) is a Czech politician and physician, since 2010 he serves as a senator for a district no. 55 - Brno-město. Until 2019 he was a principle of the Masaryk Oncology Institute in Brno.

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