Personality List

    Gilberto Kassab Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Gilberto Kassab? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Gilberto Kassab from Government Latin America and what is the personality traits.

    Gilberto Kassab

    ISFJ (2w3)

    Gilberto Kassab personality type is ISFJ, INFJ, ISFP, ISFTP, ISFP, INFJ, ISFJ, ISFP, ISFTP. He is a centrist, but he is not a leftist. He is very religious, but not in the typical religious way of the US Religious Right.

    He is not a leftist in the sense that he is not for gun control or that he is in favor of legalizing drugs. He is for limited government, but he is not in favor of dismantling the state. Rather, he is for limited government in the sense of limiting the power of the central government to the extent that it does not infringe on individual liberty.

    He is not a leftist in the sense that he is not in favor of the redistribution of wealth. He does not believe that there should be much redistribution, perhaps because he believes that much redistribution has led to things like the 2008 economic meltdown. He is interested in limited government, but his policies are not consistent with socialism or communism.

    He is not a leftist in the sense that he is not interested in social services. He wants to make sure people are well off. But he is not interested in making them better off by giving them money.

    Gilberto Kassab (born 12 August 1960 in São Paulo) is a Brazilian politician, former mayor of São Paulo. His term ended in 2013. A civil engineer and economist, one of the most famous Brazilians of Syrian descent, Kassab took over from José Serra, after Serra decided to run for governor of São Paulo. Affiliations: Paulo Maluf. José Serra. Lula. João Doria. Marta Suplicy. Geraldo Alckimin. Fernando Haddad. Marcos Pontes. FHC. Jair Bolsonaro. Celso Pitta. Bruno Covas.

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