Personality List

    Ruy Barbosa Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Ruy Barbosa? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Ruy Barbosa from Government Latin America and what is the personality traits.

    Ruy Barbosa

    INTJ (XwX)

    Ruy Barbosa personality type is INTJ, which is one of the 16 Cognitive Functions (16PF) that make up the MBTI.

    The INTJ personality type is the most common, representing approximately 20% of the population.

    INTJs are typically characterized by their strong analytical skills, independent nature, and reflective thinking.

    They are often mislabeled as “the mastermind” or “the CEO.”

    The INTJ personality type is hard to pin down because it blends so well with ENTP and INTP.

    INTJs are often described as “the mastermind” or “the CEO.”

    INTJs typically have a mix of introverted intuition and extraverted thinking.

    “It’s all about the details.”

    INTJs are known for their ability to analyze and dissect data and issues.

    INTJ types often have a unique insight into complex issues or problems because they strive to understand the “why” behind everything.

    They are often described as “the mastermind” or “the CEO.”

    “I’m not afraid to take matters into my own hands.”

    Ruy Barbosa de Oliveira (5 November 1849 – 1 March 1923) was a Brazilian polymath, diplomat, writer, jurist, and politician. Born in Salvador, Bahia, he was a federal representative, senator, Minister of Finance and diplomat. For his distinguished participation in the 2nd Hague Conference, defending the principle of equality among nations, he earned the nickname "Eagle of the Hague". He ran unsuccessfully for the Presidency of Brazil in 1910, 1914 and in 1919. Rui Barbosa gave his first public speech for the abolition of slavery when he was 19. For the rest of his life he remained an uncompromising defender of civil liberties. Slavery in Brazil was finally abolished by the Lei Áurea ("Golden Law") in 1888. Part of Barbosa's legacy to history is that he authorised, as minister of finance on 14 December 1890, the destruction of most government records relating to slavery.

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