Personality List

    Dream (Dream SMP) Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Dream (Dream SMP)? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Dream (Dream SMP) from Dream Smp and what is the personality traits.

    Dream (Dream SMP)

    ENTJ (8w7)

    Dream (Dream SMP) personality type is ENTJ, which means that they are highly intelligent, strategic, and decisive. They are also quick to make decisions and take action when they see a problem. ENTJs are very organized, and they act in a structured, controlled way in most situations. This type takes things in their stride, and they are used to seeing things through to completion.

    ENTJs tend to be very good at dealing with people, and they are usually the people that other people like to work with in any organization. This is because ENTJs tend to be productive and efficient. They are often good at delegation in an organization, and they will get their tasks done well.

    When it comes to the personal side of life, ENTJs are very individualistic. They are not big on having lots of friends, but they are good at making friends when the need arises. They are not afraid to get out there and get to know people, and they are not afraid to do so in a socially acceptable manner.

    ENTJs are not afraid to take risks in their lives, which is one of their most dominant traits. They are willing to try new ideas, even if they have never tried them before.

    (Dream's roleplay character in Dream SMP.)

    Dream is the founder of the Dream SMP, the server's owner, and it's first member. He joined on April 24, 2020. He was previously the leader of the Greater Dream SMP before being deposed during the Disc Confrontation.

    (PFP credit to @SAD_istfied on Twitter.)

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