Personality List


    The Commander

    If you want to make everybody happy don’t be a leader – sell ice cream.
    Steve Jobs

    A Commander (ENTJ) is someone with the Extraverted, Intuitive, Thinking, and Judging personality traits. They are natural-born leaders, and enjoy being in charge of things. They are strategic thinkers, and are always looking for ways to improve the situation. They are decisive, and enjoy making decisions quickly. They are also very efficient, and like to get things done quickly and efficiently.

    Commanders are excellent at organizing and planning. They are also very good at seeing the big picture, and understanding how all the pieces fit together. They are good at coming up with strategies, and are not afraid of change. They are also very persuasive, and are able to get others to see things their way.

    Commanders are usually very successful in business, and tend to be good at marketing and sales. They are also good at coming up with new ideas, and are not afraid of taking risks. They are usually very confident and assertive, and can be a bit demanding at times.

    While Commanders are good at taking charge, they can also be good at working with others. They are good at listening to others, and are able to take their ideas into account. They are also good at collaborating, and are able to work well with others to achieve a common goal.

    ENTJ Strengths

    ENTJs are excellent leaders, and are able to get things done quickly and efficiently. They are good at organizing and planning, and are able to see the big picture. They are also very persuasive, and are able to get others to see things their way.

    ENTJs are also good at coming up with new ideas, and are not afraid of taking risks. They are usually very confident and assertive, and can be a bit demanding at times.

    ENTJ Weaknesses

    ENTJs can be a bit demanding, and can be a bit too aggressive at times. They can also be inflexible, and can have a hard time adapting to change.

    Another weakness of them is that they can be a bit insensitive to the feelings of others. They may not be very good at listening to others, and may not be able to take their ideas into account.

    ENTJ Profiles