Personality List

    Arashi Narukami Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Arashi Narukami? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Arashi Narukami from Ensemble Stars and what is the personality traits.

    Arashi Narukami

    ESFJ (2w3)

    Arashi Narukami personality type is ESFJ, which means he is an emotional person, but his ESFJ role means that he is more likely to be used to others' emotions and wants to help them to be happy. He doesn't enjoy the same dose of happiness in return. This is part of the reason why he is a popular character. He has a softer personality, and he doesn't express his feelings much in front of others. When he does, it's usually in a more subtle manner. His "serious face" is a strong indicator of this, as is his serious manner when communicating to other people. While he doesn't show much emotion in front of others, he can be touchy about it in private. He knows that his feelings are to be kept private, and he is very self-conscious about the fact that he doesn't express them often. He cannot deal with people being uncomfortable with how he feels. This is part of the reason why he has a hard time interacting with people outside of the main cast. It's a bit difficult for him to build a rapport with others. When he does manage to, though, they usually have a strong influence on him. He is very much a team player, and will usually work best when working with others.

    A self-proclaimed “big sister”. She is skilled at taking care of people and loves cute things. She has a friendly and sociable personality, but can occasionally have extreme mood swings. She has ample self-confidence when it comes to a refined performance and a light, gentle singing voice.

    A member of NEW DIMENSION's Knights.

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