Personality List

    Leila Evans / Shadowfax Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Leila Evans / Shadowfax? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Leila Evans / Shadowfax from Kiss Me First and what is the personality traits.

    Leila Evans / Shadowfax

    INTP (5w4)

    Leila Evans / Shadowfax personality type is INTP, which was also my personality type on the MBTI before I had my mind-blowing experience of the understanding of the MBTI system.

    I find myself taking on more of an introvert-extrovert role, but I’ve never had the feeling of being “the leader” of anything (even though I may be leading things for myself at any given time).

    What I am is very aware of how others are feeling, and if they’re not feeling like they’re getting their share, or they’re not feeling like they’re getting the attention they deserve.

    I’m a very sensitive person, and I can tell when someone is not happy, sad, or even just not getting their attention.

    I believe in giving everyone their due attention, and I think it’s a good thing to do.

    I have a very strong sense of what’s fair.

    I know that it is not fair to take advantage of someone else because they are vulnerable.

    I don’t think that you should take advantage of people because they are vulnerable to your power.

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