Personality List


    The Logician

    Everything we hear is an opinion, not a fact. Everything we see is a perspective, not the truth.
    Marcus Aurelius

    A Logician (INTP) is someone with the Introverted, Intuitive, Thinking, and Prospecting personality traits. Logicians are analytical, objective, and systematic in their thinking. They like to explore ideas and theories, and they enjoy problem-solving. Logicians are often seen as being detached and cold, but they are actually very curious and sensitive to their surroundings. They are usually very bright and articulate, and they make great leaders.

    Logicians are typically good at math and science, and they are often attracted to careers in law, engineering, and computer science. They enjoy working with concepts and theories, and they are often able to see the big picture. Logicians are able to think logically and objectively, and they are able to find solutions to problems. They are also able to see the flaws in arguments, and they are able to find the most logical solution to a problem.

    INTP Strengths

    Logicians are analytical, objective, and systematic in their thinking. They like to explore ideas and theories, and they enjoy problem-solving. Logicians are often seen as being detached and cold, but they are actually very curious and sensitive to their surroundings. They are usually very bright and articulate, and they make great leaders.

    Logicians are typically good at math and science, and they are often attracted to careers in law, engineering, and computer science. They enjoy working with concepts and theories, and they are often able to see the big picture. Logicians are able to think logically and objectively, and they are able to find solutions to problems. They are also able to see the flaws in arguments, and they are able to find the most logical solution to a problem.

    INTP Weaknesses

    Logicians may have a difficult time understanding and relating to people, and they may find it hard to express their feelings. They may also have a difficult time taking action, and they may prefer to stay in the background. Logicians may also be seen as being cold and unemotional, but they are actually very curious and sensitive to their surroundings.

    Another weakness of INTPs is that they can be perfectionists, and they may have a difficult time completing tasks. They may also have a difficult time dealing with change, and they may prefer to stick to their routines.

    INTP Profiles