Personality List

    Self-Preservation Four Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Self-Preservation Four? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Self-Preservation Four from Enneagram Subtypes and what is the personality traits.

    Self-Preservation Four

    ISFP (4w5)

    Self-Preservation Four personality type is ISFP, which means that this type is very interested in things that are new, exciting, and original. This personality type usually seeks out the most exciting things that are happening in the world, and then makes a big deal about them. ISFPs are known for being very creative, witty, and independent. People with this personality type are very attracted to the arts, music, literature, and other creative activities. ISFPs are also known for being very curious. They are very interested in finding out what other people are thinking, talking about, or dreaming about, and they ask a lot of questions about other people's personal lives. This personality type may have a reputation for being very shy, but it is just that they don't like to be bothered by others. When they are comfortable with someone, they will often brighten up the room with their own sense of humor; but they may feel really uncomfortable when someone else tries to make them laugh. ISFPs are very sensitive to certain kinds of criticism or judgment, especially if it is directed at themselves, and they may even become very defensive when someone else tries to "put them down.

    Often mistypes with Enneagram 1 and 7. Where some Fours are dramatic and emotional, this countertype has learned to live with pain, suffering stoically and internalising negative emotions, and wants to be recognised for being ‘tough’ and not complaining. Even though they are quite sensitive, they may be disconnected from their feelings and prefer not to share their pain with others. They are empathic and look out for and try to support others who suffer.

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