Personality List

    Self-Preservation Three Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Self-Preservation Three? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Self-Preservation Three from Enneagram Subtypes and what is the personality traits.

    Self-Preservation Three

    ESTJ (3w4)

    Self-Preservation Three personality type is ESTJ, which is “the Inspector.” ESTJs are “the executioners” of the personality type system. They are the leaders, the people who get things done. They are the people who can get things done, because they are the people that get things done. They are also the people who can do it quickly and with efficiency.

    At this point in the personality type system, ESTJs are what you call… THE ESTJ. This is because ESTJs are extremely self-focused, and they are extremely self-focused because they are the people who get things done. They are also very competent in their own right, which means that they are good at what they do. They are also very capable of doing it quickly and efficiently.

    Because of their focus on getting things done, ESTJs are also very good at focusing on their priorities. They want to do all of their work for the day, so they focus on getting all of their work done. They want to be able to tick all of their boxes, so they focus on getting all of their boxes ticked.

    The self-preservation Three is a countertype in that they dislike advertising their strengths and accomplishments overtly, and avoid being seen as image-oriented. In spite of this it is important to them to be recognised for their hard work and excellence. This subtype is reliable, efficient and productive and aspires to do the right thing. Their pursuit of security and self-sufficiency through hard work may lead to workaholism.

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