Personality List

    Whiterose's Maid / Advisor Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Whiterose's Maid / Advisor? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Whiterose's Maid / Advisor from Mr Robot 2015 and what is the personality traits.

    Whiterose's Maid / Advisor

    ENTJ (6w5)

    Whiterose's Maid / Advisor personality type is ENTJ, which is one step away from the leader (ESTJ) of the type. In contrast, the main antagonist of the series, Ulquiorra, is an ENTJ too. Therefore, it's safe to assume that Aizen is a leader by nature and has to be one in order to be a boss at all. This explains why he is present at all the meetings and knows how to organize things. That's also why he is so good at strategy and planning: He is one of the few people who knows how to do that, and he is also a natural leader.

    Crimson Lotus: So do you think he was the one who gave Aizen his memories back?

    Tohka: Well, it's still possible that Ulquiorra was the one who somehow restored Aizen's memories because it was his plan all along, but I think it's just as likely that Aizen recovered his memories on his own.

    White Lotus: It must have been difficult for Aizen to recover his memories because of all the way he's been brainwashed.

    Tohka: Yes, it must have been difficult for him to accept his own nature and personality again.

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