Personality List

    Hector Jotunheim Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Hector Jotunheim? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Hector Jotunheim from The Amazing World Of Gumball 2011 and what is the personality traits.

    Hector Jotunheim

    ISFP (9w8)

    Hector Jotunheim personality type is ISFP, and the type of his parents is INTP and ENTP. His type was predicted by disjunctive analysis to be ISFP.

    In the first episode of the anime, he is shown to have a split-personality disorder, as he has two distinct personalities, one being pure and innocent, and the other being malicious and cruel. The same goes for his split-siblings, who have two distinct personalities as well, one being pure and innocent, and the other being malicious and cruel. The same goes for his split-siblings, who have two distinct personalities as well, one being pure and innocent, and the other being malicious and cruel. The same goes for his split-siblings, who have two distinct personalities as well, one being pure and innocent, and the other being malicious and cruel. The same goes for his split-siblings, who have two distinct personalities as well, one being pure and innocent, and the other being malicious and cruel. The same goes for his split-siblings, who have two distinct personalities as well, one being pure and innocent, and the other being malicious and cruel.

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