Personality List

    Polly Fitzgerald Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Polly Fitzgerald? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Polly Fitzgerald from The Amazing World Of Gumball 2011 and what is the personality traits.

    Polly Fitzgerald

    ISFJ (9w1)

    Polly Fitzgerald personality type is ISFJ, and I am an ISFJ which is why we get along so well.The ISFJ personality type is often described as "The Protector" and "The Helper". ISFJs are usually very good at helping others and taking care of others. They are usually very loyal and protective of those they care about. They are usually very good at helping those around them and those they care about. They are usually very good at giving and receiving help and support. They are usually good at organizing and planning, and can be great at managing things and schedules. They are usually very good at making sure that everyone is taken care of and that everyone is doing well. They are usually very good listeners and listeners can usually take care of people's problems for them.ISFJs often dislike activities that take a long time to do, such as playing a sport or doing something like that. They don't like to play games because they feel like they'll lose interest quickly and feel like they'll never be good at something like that. They take their job very seriously and usually take things very seriously. If a person is a member of a team, they will probably be the leader of the team.

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