Personality List

    Gellar Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Gellar? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Gellar from Dexter and what is the personality traits.


    ESTJ (1w2)

    Gellar personality type is ESTJ, which is a common personality type among police officers. The official description of the ESTJ personality type is as follows:

    ESTJs are organized, serious, and practical. They are excellent leaders and managers because they’re calm under pressure and know how to use facts and analysis to reach a logical conclusion. ESTJs tend to be organized and keep their schedules very close. They are good planners and tend to be organized in their personal lives as well, keeping their schedules very close to ensure they have no wasted time or opportunities. They are good at multitasking and tend to schedule multiple activities at once so that they don’t feel overwhelmed. ESTJs value structure and order very highly and often lead rather regimented lives. They may spend a lot of time planning and preparing for the future, and tend to prefer structure and order over spontaneity and excitement. They like to know where they stand and like to know what they’re doing at all times.

    Spencer Reid, or “Screamer” as fans call him, is an ESTJ personality type as well as he is an FBI agent as well as a homicide detective.

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