Personality List

    Evey Hammond Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Evey Hammond? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Evey Hammond from V For Vendetta 2005 and what is the personality traits.

    Evey Hammond

    INFP (6w5)

    Evey Hammond personality type is INFP, the introverted intuitive.

    You are introverted and extremely creative. You are selective but can be quickly taken in by new things. You love to explore the world around you and make connections. You like to read and write and like to organize your thoughts and organize your life. Your imagination is what drives you forward. You need to take care of yourself and you need to be alone to do that. You like to find your own way and you like to follow your own path.

    You like to solve problems and you like to create new things and you like to take care of people and help others. There is a soft side of you that is sensitive, nurturing, creative, emotional, caring, understanding, warm-hearted, and sensitive to other people's needs. You are a nurturer in nature. You are a good listener and you are able to connect with people in a very special way.

    You are in tune with your feelings and you are in tune with the feelings of others. You are also very intuitive when it comes to knowing what kind of person someone is. You are very good at connecting with people on an emotional level.

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